Friday, September 7, 2012

Best fashion toy for girls: Shailie®

What could be more fun than actual dress pieces to design, create, and then wear for a fashion show with friends!  Shailie® is a blast!!  This fun fashion toy is brought to you by a small company in Centerville, Utah.  The idea for the toy came about when Kari (the mom) couldn't find toys for her daughter Paige, that allowed the same creative engineering that lego's and lincoln logs did for her son.  "What if dresses came in pieces, and girls could create a fashion, and then take it apart and create a new design?"  Kari and her mom Connie brainstormed, tested many prototypes, and when they felt good about the design, Shailie® was born.    Order a starter kit, and be sure to get the add on dress kits.  The more dress pieces the better.  The possibilities of designs are endless!!


  1. Love this product. I am just waiting for my little style guru to get old enough. She just might explode if she had one.

  2. Thanks Amanda! It is a blast :) I wish I would have had one as a kid.
