Monday, November 19, 2012


Hi!  Happy Thanksgiving this week!

We here at Style Paige are excited to be spotlighted/reviewed today by the awesome blog EIGHTEEN25.
Shailie is the best toy for girls, especially that 8-12 year old girl that you don't know what to get!  This is it.  Today through November 26th we are offering FREE SHIPPING on all your Shailie purchases.  Just simply enter coupon code:  eighteen25.

Don't forget to stop by eighteen25 and check out their review and blog.  They have great ideas and will no doubt be one of your favorites.

The dress below was designed by a guest 12 year old designer, she used pieces from our Prom kit and Starter kit.  Isn't it lovely?  I love it.  Girls always come up with such creative things, it always amazes me.  Get your Shailie this week while the shipping is on us!

Happy Thanksgiving
and as always, happy designing!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fashion Toy: every girls dream....

Shailie®  allows girls to design their own fashions.  They can wear their design for a fashion show with friends, or simply take it apart and create a new gown.

Genius!!!  Best gift ever!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


This award winning design toy is perfect for ages 8-11.   It is a unique Christmas gift for any girl.

Where was this when I was young?   Girls design their own fashions on a base skirt and top (all stretchy to fit most sizes, and covered with velcro).  Dress pieces (skirts, sashes, collars, jewels, flowers, bodices, etc.) all attach to form new designs, then easily come off to make another gown.

Happy designing!

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Shailie® includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form, and all the dress kits come in pieces allowing girls to create a fashion, then take it apart and design something new!  What a blast!!  Check out the website for additional add on dress kits.  Recommended for girls, ages 8-ll, and if you have a budding fashionista, as young as 5, she can design.   Of course, up to age 99 will have fun designing!  Basically, Shailie is for girls. period ;)

Let that fashion frenzy begin!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Unique Christmas gift for girls: Shailie®

Shailie is perfect for girls 8-11.  If you have a young fashionista, younger girls are able  to design as well.  Shailie is recommended for girls 5-99.  So as you can see ALL girls can have fun designing on Shailie.

Design mom, Gabrielle Blair took this great picture of Shailie. 

 It is the wow gift for Christmas.  It is in a darling box that is big, and it provides hours of entertainment for one girls or multiple girls.
Let the fashion frenzy begin!!


Monday, November 5, 2012


Fashion fun for every girl! did a great review on us.  There are 6 different pictures on the review that show how Shailie® allows girls to design their own fashions.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shailie free shipping for our friends at eighteen25

What girl wouldn't love designing and playing in her own dress-up creations? Kari created Shailie when she couldn't find toys for her daughter that inspired the same creative energy that her sons' toys did for boys.  Shailie was born offering sleeves, skirts, tops, and accessories. Girls mix and match to create endless looks on their very own life size dress form making their creation's a cinch to wear and model with friends.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!
Use Coupon Code: eighteen25 to receive free shipping until November 10th, 2012.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Creative fun for your fashionista!! Shailie®

The Shailie Starter includes the pieces to this dress (along with the dress form, base skirt and top, and closet of course)!
Here are just a few designs with this Shailie Starter Dress kit.  Girls attach dress pieces to create fashions.  The base skirt and top is stretchy to fit most sizes.  BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER!!  Additional add on dress kits available (the more pieces, the more designs! :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fashion fun Christmas gift: Shailie®

Shailie®, the award winning toy, is everything a girl could want for Christmas.  After all, what girls doesn't like dress ups?  Now, what girl wouldn't love to design and wear their own fashions?

Girls design, create, and wear their own fashions, then switch it up and make a new design.  It is easy and fun with the velcro friendly base skirt and top (included in the Shailie Starter.  Add on dress kits include the Shailie Prom, Fairy and Pink Princess.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pictures above taken by Desiree from the 36th Avenue.

Great Shailie review from Desiree at the 36th Avenue.  Looks like her girls had a blast - of course!  Check out what she has to say about our toy here.  Also don't forget to use our discount code:  HALLOWEEN, now through Halloween to get 30% off your entire Shailie purchase.  Woot Woot!!

Have a great weekend!

Happy Designing.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Use this code to get 30% off entire order, Happy Halloween!!

Coupon Code: HALLOWEEN will get you 30% off your entire order 10/24-10/31. Happy Halloween!

Add on dress kits include:  Pink Princess, Prom, and Fairy.  The more pieces, the more possibilities!  Happy designing!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gift for girls 8-10 interested in FASHION!!

This award winning toy is a blast!  Shailie® has won every major toy award.  Shailie includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form.  Dress kits come in pieces to mix and match creating endless looks to wear and model with friends.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Unique Christmas gift for girls: Shaiilie®

If you know a girl who likes fashion, then Shailie® is for her!!  This is perfect for 9-11 year old girls.   Girls design, create, and then can wear their own fashions.  This is such a perfect Christmas gift.  It comes in a large, darling box, and includes a pink and white polka dress form.  Life sized, of course.  I tell ya, it is AwESoMe!!!

Happy designing!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Shailie® is a blast!!  Girls design fashions on their very on life sized pink and white polka dot dress form.  Add on dress kits come in pieces.  The pieces easily attach and de-tatch using velcro.   Best gift ever!!  Shailie® has won every major toy award.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gift for girls: FASHION DESIGN TOY

Shailie® takes fashion designing to a whole new level!

 Life sized dress pieces mix and match to create endless looks.  Create a new design on the darling pink and white polka dot dress form, or simply put it on, to wear and model  with friends.

What a blast!!

A gift for girls of all ages who like fashion. Yep, that about includes everyone!!

Happy designing!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is such a fun gift for any girl that loves fashion and designing.  Shailie® includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form, a base skirt and top that everything attaches too with velcro and much more.  
All the add on dress kits are in pieces to create endless looks.  Shailie® has won every major toy award.  

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What to gift to get for girls ages 8-13

or girls of all ages.  This award winning toy, Shailie® is a blast for girls of all ages.  Girls who love fashion, and designing (and that about covers every girl!!)  love Shailie.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fashion Design Toy SHAILIE: Wow gift for Christmas

Test Driver Audra with her Shailie Creation did a great review on us a while back here is the link.
Shailie® has been awarded every major toy award.  It is the best creative learning toy for girls.  Dress in pieces!  A darling pink and white polka dot dress form with a base skirt and top that everything attaches too.  Girls can create fashions, then easily take them apart and redesign.  Genius!

Especially for older elementary age girls.  They totally get how to design :0

Happy designing!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Shailie Starter Giveaway

Looking for a FREE Shailie Starter??  Well, here is your chance, go here, follow the instructions, and best of luck to you!!

Jen at Tator Tots and Jello did a great review on our toy, check out her blog and her review on Shailie.  The weather has cooled, and I am full on thinking about the holidays and what to get my kiddos.  If you have an older elementary aged daughter, don't miss out on our awesome toy.  It is a winner for sure.

Happy Designing!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Best fashion toy for girls: Shailie®

What could be more fun than actual dress pieces to design, create, and then wear for a fashion show with friends!  Shailie® is a blast!!  This fun fashion toy is brought to you by a small company in Centerville, Utah.  The idea for the toy came about when Kari (the mom) couldn't find toys for her daughter Paige, that allowed the same creative engineering that lego's and lincoln logs did for her son.  "What if dresses came in pieces, and girls could create a fashion, and then take it apart and create a new design?"  Kari and her mom Connie brainstormed, tested many prototypes, and when they felt good about the design, Shailie® was born.    Order a starter kit, and be sure to get the add on dress kits.  The more dress pieces the better.  The possibilities of designs are endless!!

Monday, September 3, 2012


The Shailie® Starter includes a base skirt and top (pictured here).  It is actually stretchy to fit most sizes adding to the fashion fun.  The Starter also includes a darling pink and white polka dot dress form.  All the Shailie dress kits come in pieces.  Girls design fashions, and then pull them off the base skirt and top, and create another design.

This is a blast!!  Shailie® is perfect for girls of all ages (recommended 5 and up).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Gift for girls who love fashion: Shailie®

Shailie® is the only fashion design toy that uses life sized dress pieces for girls to design, create, and wear their own fashions.  Sleeves, skirt pieces, sashes, collars, bodice pieces, etc, all attach to a base skirt and top that is stretchy to fit most sizes.

Best creative learning toy ever!!   The Shailie® Starter is the winner of pretty much every toy award out there.  I'm talking Oppenhiem Gold, Disney iParenting, Dr. Toy, Creative  Child product of the year, and TD Monthly innovations award.

Shailie is a blast!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Fashion Design Toy: Shailie®

Award winning creative learning toy for girls!  Design, Create, Wear.  Life sized dress pieces attach to a base skirt and top that can be worn and modeled with friends.  Create a fashion, then easily take it apart and design a new gown!  The Shailie Starter includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form.  Happy designing!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Award winning fashion toy for girls.  Shailie is a blast!!  Great fun to design and model with friends.  The Shailie Starter comes with everything to get your fashionista started on fashion designing.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Design your own fashions, award winning toy!

Shailie® the fashion toy for girls of all ages!!  Get this amazing toy for girls on our website  No other fashion toy for girls comes with its very own life sized dress form (pink and white polka dot, of course!)  Shailie is a blast!!!  Girls design fashions with dress kits that come in pieces, and they are able to easily take them apart and create a new design.  The base skirt and top that everything attaches to, is stretchy to fit most sizes for fashion fun with friends!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Fashion designing made easy.  With Shailie, desiging your own dresses to wear and model with friends is as easy as 1, 2, 3.  First, as pictured above, use your base skirt and top as your design foundation.

Second, simply press dress pieces to the base skirt and top.  (Velcro makes our designs a cinch!)

Third, wear your design, then mix up the pieces and create something new all over again.
Shailie is the best toy for that aspiring fashion designer!

Happy Designing!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Design your own dress ups: Shailie®

The Shailie Starter includes a  darling pink and white polka dot dress form, a base skirt and top that fits most sizes (to wear and model with friends), a genius Shailie® Closet, to keep the dress pieces runway ready, and a Starter dress kit.  Other dress kits (Prom, Pink Princess, and Fairy) are also available.
Best toy ever for girls!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pink and white polka dot dress form: Shailie

It comes with the Shailie® Starter:  Shailie®  Design, create, wear!!  What a blast!  Check out the video on the home page.  Awesome!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fashion toy storage system: Shailie® Closet

Shailie® dress kits come in pieces, and the Shailie® Closet keeps everything organized and runway     ready!    Design, create, wear!!  Creative fun for girls of all ages.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!                    

Monday, August 13, 2012

Fashion fun design toy

Shailie!  Life sized dress pieces attach to a base skirt and top to wear and model with friends.
What a blast!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Design fun for girls

Dresses in pieces attach to a base skirt and top.  Girls can create their own fashions to wear and model with funs.  What a blast!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Girls create any dress that they can dream.  Possibilities endless.  
Design, create, wear.  How fun is that?  
Our lovely designer here, has worked with dress pieces from our Prom, Pink Princess.... and I can see some flowers and jewels from the Fairy dress kit around the neck.  A lovely accent for sure!  
Such a great gift for Christmas or birthdays.  Great for girls of all ages.  
We created this fashion toy for my 5 year old grand daughter.   She was quite the fashionista for her age, and actually gave us quite a few design ideas for the dress kits!  
Most girls ages 8 and up get the designing idea and are able to create fabulous fashions.  The base skirt and top stretches to fit most sizes.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!                 

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Ok, this fashion toy is for girls who have in interest in fashion.  That about includes every girl in the world!!  This design toy is the best kept secret out there.

Dress kits that include dress pieces, a life sized darling pink and white polka dot dress form, a unique storage system to keep the pieces run way ready, and the base skirt and top that stretch to fit most sizes.  Wear and model with friends or design on your very own dress form.  Best wow gift for Christmas or birthdays.

Monday, July 23, 2012

What girls want!! Shailie® Fashion Toy

Here is the award winning fashion toy for girls.  Get it one line at

Fits most sizes, dress kits come in pieces, limitless fun, countless possibilities.  Best creative learning toy for girls of all ages.  NO SEWING REQUIRED.