Monday, September 17, 2012

Fashion Design Toy SHAILIE: Wow gift for Christmas

Test Driver Audra with her Shailie Creation did a great review on us a while back here is the link.
Shailie® has been awarded every major toy award.  It is the best creative learning toy for girls.  Dress in pieces!  A darling pink and white polka dot dress form with a base skirt and top that everything attaches too.  Girls can create fashions, then easily take them apart and redesign.  Genius!

Especially for older elementary age girls.  They totally get how to design :0

Happy designing!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing. I am so in love with your dress. so unique and beautiful. I like the skirt because its looking awesome and it has inspired me a lot. Thanks for the post..:)
    Fashion Online
