Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fashion fun Christmas gift: Shailie®

Shailie®, the award winning toy, is everything a girl could want for Christmas.  After all, what girls doesn't like dress ups?  Now, what girl wouldn't love to design and wear their own fashions?

Girls design, create, and wear their own fashions, then switch it up and make a new design.  It is easy and fun with the velcro friendly base skirt and top (included in the Shailie Starter.  Add on dress kits include the Shailie Prom, Fairy and Pink Princess.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Pictures above taken by Desiree from the 36th Avenue.

Great Shailie review from Desiree at the 36th Avenue.  Looks like her girls had a blast - of course!  Check out what she has to say about our toy here.  Also don't forget to use our discount code:  HALLOWEEN, now through Halloween to get 30% off your entire Shailie purchase.  Woot Woot!!

Have a great weekend!

Happy Designing.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Use this code to get 30% off entire order, Happy Halloween!!

Coupon Code: HALLOWEEN will get you 30% off your entire order 10/24-10/31. Happy Halloween!

Add on dress kits include:  Pink Princess, Prom, and Fairy.  The more pieces, the more possibilities!  Happy designing!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gift for girls 8-10 interested in FASHION!!

This award winning toy is a blast!  Shailie® has won every major toy award.  Shailie includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form.  Dress kits come in pieces to mix and match creating endless looks to wear and model with friends.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Unique Christmas gift for girls: Shaiilie®

If you know a girl who likes fashion, then Shailie® is for her!!  This is perfect for 9-11 year old girls.   Girls design, create, and then can wear their own fashions.  This is such a perfect Christmas gift.  It comes in a large, darling box, and includes a pink and white polka dress form.  Life sized, of course.  I tell ya, it is AwESoMe!!!

Happy designing!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Shailie® is a blast!!  Girls design fashions on their very on life sized pink and white polka dot dress form.  Add on dress kits come in pieces.  The pieces easily attach and de-tatch using velcro.   Best gift ever!!  Shailie® has won every major toy award.  Let the fashion frenzy begin!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gift for girls: FASHION DESIGN TOY

Shailie® takes fashion designing to a whole new level!

 Life sized dress pieces mix and match to create endless looks.  Create a new design on the darling pink and white polka dot dress form, or simply put it on, to wear and model  with friends.

What a blast!!

A gift for girls of all ages who like fashion. Yep, that about includes everyone!!

Happy designing!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is such a fun gift for any girl that loves fashion and designing.  Shailie® includes a life sized pink and white polka dot dress form, a base skirt and top that everything attaches too with velcro and much more.  
All the add on dress kits are in pieces to create endless looks.  Shailie® has won every major toy award.